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Senior prom



Student project leaders: g11 student council



members: G11 (class of 2020)


Title: Carpe Noctem


The focus of the project: Working as an ensemble


Investigation: I was the one who finds and contact the hotels and propose the hotels to the seniors.


Preparation: We divided into groups, I was in charge of designing prom sashes. 


Action: I started contacting the hotels since the beginning of March and went to visit each hotel to see their ballroom as well as the price and menus that would suit everyone's tastes. In the end, we decided that we will be hosting at Marriott in Sukhumvit. On the day, I went there early to help set up the gifts for the seniors and arranged the sashes as well as the photo booth. Prom went on from 6 pm to 9 pm then we all cleaned up and left.


Reflection: Throughout the months working on preparing prom for the seniors, I got a chance to work with many classmates that I have never worked with before. I enjoyed seeing people enjoy what we have organized for them. Although there were rough times and it was tiring but it was really fun and I have learned to be responsible and communication is the key to making this project successful. Not only that, but it also taught me to be more open-minded as we need to listen to other's opinions since we're working together as a class.


Demonstration: At the end of this project, it made me become closer to all of my classmates. It also made me realize the importance of teamwork and how everyone plays an important role to make this project successful. It taught me to able to trust others as well as being responsible for my tasks. Most importantly, it helps our class to unite and work together, this help strengthens our class relationship.


CAS Learning Outcome: 

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


IB Learner Profile

  • Risk-taking

  • Communicator

  • Balanced

  • Open-minded


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